الجمعة، 5 نوفمبر 2010

Closing Saudi Arabia

But when will we close it ?
-They're all Going to leave, and that's when .
So the population is going to shrink to 2 ?
-Yup, Just you & I .
What about the King ?
-He's leaving, Too.
Wait, Who will run the Markets, Hospitals, Schools & such ?
-They will make humanoid robots who look exactly like the ones who left.
-It will feel the Same but we'll know it's not.
Uh, What about the religious police & The woman who advocate at malls?
-Religious Robots & advocates
Sounds funny ..
-So will it be
What about the name, Will it Still be "Saudi" ?
-probably, because the king is still in crown
Umm, why don't we just go on a scholarship?
-Because it's what we want, this is the conspiracy
-It's the N.W.O
-we're the chosen, The order to be.
-It's gonna be cool & things will turn much easier, you know ..
How ?
-For Example,when you order something online, All you have to do is choosing Saudi
-Since the population is 2, they won't need credit, name & etc.
Oh, Right !!!
But how will they know in which region of the country we're at the time ?
-Duh, Ever heard of Google earth? They will watch us 24/7, Just like a reality show, just like that Jim carry's movie.
-except that it's For Real.
wouldn't make robots & depicted 3D's Cost a lot ?
-it'd , But the whole budget allocated to us.
what if I want to get married ?
-you can't
a Boyfriend ?
-Robot ?
Yes... ?
Wow, then having a BF will consider acceptable when we take over Saudi?
-Hey, we're not taking over, We're staying over. And no, a Secret Robot
But won't They know since they're watching us, what's secret anymore?
-people will, but the robots don't know they don't watch with them
Sounds cool
What happiness eventually?
when we hit the oil peak &  start facing budget diffict & find ourselves lacking money
to support the robots & 3D's ?
-Nano tech. , Solar power, They're working on Nuclear energy to make sure of the stability of the Situation .
-Don't ever Dream of change.
Ok, well, it aint that bad ..
-Scared ?
Excited !!
-so am I. It shall be both fun & funny
You said we will Rule, it doen't seem like it with the secret BF.
-here's the twist, The robots will take over like in the movie "I, Robot"
Still, how come you said "we" Will Rule ?
-the movie" artifical Intelligence" ?
Umm ?
-they will start to think, as we're the only Humans left in the country
-that we're so distinctive so they will ask Us to fucking Lead
How generous!!
-I know !! they're more humans than humans
from outcasts to leaders
-Tell me !!
and that's when we're closing Saudi?
-yup, when we become in charge.
and that's when Diseny's New movie The kingdom will get released
" Once upon a Time there's a Kingdom of Oil it called .... "
Hey, Question, where will we live after closing Saudi ?
-anywhere we wish , All the countries will offer Us their nationalities
-Because, We're legends, Plus we Still have our Oil, it will get transported
to where we live through pipes.
-all the nations will die to get us with our pipes as a citizens
Where will we choose to Live in ?
-N.Y.C here, what about you ?
-Btw, by that time we will be oldd, 60 or older
So we won't actually Enjoy our independence & wealth ?
-We will, through Inception dream machine, we'll live young & rich in our dreams
why didn't we Just Do That !!
-The machine, it was prohibited. until we had the Power & enough cash <3
Umm, when Will all this Start to happen ?
Soon As in ?
-7 years, Or less
Can't wait.
-Me neither.

* I've great sense that's Gonna happen*

 "Dalal&Seham "© ;p

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